Tissue or not tissue – that is the question…

I was just watching a televised interview from the Sydney Writers’ Festival, but I’ll be darned if I can recall what was actually exchanged between the author and presenter.

Why on Earth not?? I was distracted by a small but definite flash of white that appeared at the beginning of the interview and danced across the screen until I decided to turn off the telly.

Not a flash of light sent by occupants from some interplanetary, quite extraordinary spacecraft. Nor a strange and eerie ghostly beam, dropping in for a chat on the stage.

No, there it was –  a tissue – wedged firmly into position in the female presenter’s palm, as her hands moved through the air with such passion, such power, punctuating her most excited statements with flair and fervour.

Holding a tissue in one’s hand indefinitely in public is not good etiquette. While the tissue clearly seems to provide some form of comfort to the holder, in the eye of the beholder, it’s unfortunately a rather unsettling reminder of what has been and what may be to come.

Throw a television camera in front of the scenario and it’s especially a no-no. Any nose-wiping needed to be dealt with strictly off-camera, in this case,  before the interview or between takes.

Tissues were invented and exist purely for their disposability. Dispose of them promptly and responsibly.

And preferably without an audience.

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